Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Read it and cringe

Were you alive in the '70s? Did you wear any of the "fashions" shown in these catalogs? You can admit it, you're among friends.



Eli Stein said...

You can call my clothing "fashions from the 70's" -- I prefer "retro".

BTW, your wishbookweb.com link isn't working. I had to copy and paste it.

Anonymous said...

very interesting but who has the time to look thorugh all those catalogues. i'll have to do it on a one a day schedule.

Heidi said...

I was an infant and toddler in the 70s. Hence I remember nothing about the fashions.

Heidi said...

I was an infant and toddler in the 70s. Hence I remember absolutely nothing about the fashions.