Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Good Reads

Good in an entirely addicting kind of way. Enter in the books you've read, rate them and possibly review them. Friends do the same. You get an e-mail every time your friends update their page and vice versa. Soon you are winging 100+ lists of books back and forth, creating new lists of to-be-read books but having no time to read them because you have to add JUST ONE MORE BOOK to your list.

Try it. If you dare.



Susan O said...

You're right, that's exactly how it works, and now I have a whole bunch of friends addicted to updating their bookshelves and commenting on mine!

Anonymous said...

I, too, love Goodreads! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

GoodReads is awesome! I love to see what others are reading or have read. I also like being able to keep track of books I have read. This may be a good thing to refer patrons too if they have trouble keeping track.